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Orders can be cancelled if your order has not been packed. Please email us at to cancel your order. Emails are answered during business hours (Monday - Friday 9am - 5.30pm).


Where an item is faulty, we will ask you to return it to us within 14 days of receipt. Please ensure you retain your proof of postage, we will refund return postage up to the cost of first class postage, should your item be damaged or faulty. Please ensure your name, address and order number and reason for returning is in the returned envelope. Refunds will be actioned once the item has been checked and refunds should appear within 3 working days of receiving the return goods. Your right to return items to us in accordance with these Terms is in addition to any other statutory rights you may have.


If you are eligible for a refund, we will reimburse the price you have paid for the product(s) to your PayPal or the credit or debit card that you paid with. Alternatively, we may offer to resend the item free of charge. Please note it is not our policy to offer both a refund and a resend.


Refunds cannot be given if the fault is a result of your own actions such as product misuse.

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