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What this policy covers


The data controller (who determines the purpose and manner in which your personal data is used) is VXC Creative (referred to in this policy as "we" or "us").


We are committed to doing the right thing when it comes to how we collect, use and protect your personal data. That's why we've developed this privacy and cookies policy ("Policy"), which:

Sets out the different ways you interact with us and the types of personal data that we collect explains the reasons why we use the data we collect explains the rights and choices you have when it comes to your personal data.


We offer a range of products, so we want you to be clear about what this Policy covers. This Policy applies to you if you use our services (referred to in this Policy as "our Services").


Using our Services means:

  • Shopping with us online where this Policy is posted; or

  • This Policy also applies if you contact us or we contact you about our Services


Our Websites or Mobile App may contain links to other websites operated by other organisations that have their own privacy policies. Please make sure you read the terms and conditions and privacy policy carefully before providing any personal data on a website as we do not accept any responsibility or liability for websites of other organisations.



Personal data we collect when we interact with you


This section tells you what personal data we may collect from you when you use our Services and what other personal data we may receive from other sources.



Types of data


Aggregated data

We try and remove personal data we do not need. If we remove enough personal data it becomes anonymous. This means that you cannot be identified.


Identity data

This is information that helps us identify who you are, so your name, title or customer number.


Contact data

This is information that details how we can contact you i.e address, email or telephone number.


Financial data

This is information about your bank account and payment card details.


Location data

In some cases our app might ask for your location information to help better serve you information about your local store, you will be made aware at the time if we would collect this data.


Transaction data

This is information about your purchase of a product or service from us. This includes when, where, what and how you purchased that item or service.


Technical data

This is information about your device used to access our sites and app. This could be information that identifies your device, its operating system, internet address, your login data; browser and plug-ins; location; where you came to our site from and where you leave to as well as how often you visit

We will also collect information about you that allows us to create an analysis of you as a consumer to better judge what products and services to offer in our store.


Interaction data

This is information about how you interact with our products and services, namely what you click on and interact with on our sites and app or products in stores.


Marketing and communications data

This is your marketing preferences and also your interaction with online marketing to be able to judge its effectiveness



When you register for our Services


You may provide us with:

Your personal details, including your postal and billing addresses, email addresses, phone numbers and date of birth and title

Your account login details, such as your username and the password that you have chosen


We may collect:

Identity data, contact data, financial data, technical data, user data, marketing and communications data



When you shop with us online or browse our Websites or use our Mobile App


We may collect:

Information about your online purchases (for example, what you have bought, when and where you bought it and how you paid for it), information about your online browsing behaviour on our Websites and Mobile App, information about any devices you have used to access our Services (including the make, model and operating system, IP address, browser type and mobile device identifiers)


What type of data might be collected:

Identity data, contact data, financial data, transaction data, technical data, user data, interaction data, marketing and communications data



When we contact you or you contact us


We may collect:

Personal data you provide about yourself anytime you contact us about our Services (for example, your name, username and contact details), including by phone, email or post or when you speak with us through social media

Details of the emails and other digital communications we send to you that you open, including any links in them that you click on

Your feedback and contributions to customer surveys or reviews (research and insight)


What type of data might be collected:

Identity data, contact data, user data



Why we collect the data we collect and why we are allowed to use that personal data


This section explains in detail how and why we use personal data.

Make our Services available to you

This means that processing your personal data allows us to:

  • Manage the accounts you hold with us

  • Process your orders and refunds


Why do we process your personal data in this way?

We need to process your personal data so that we can manage your customer accounts, provide you with the goods and services you want to buy and help you with any orders and refunds you may ask for.


Why we are using this data (Legal Basis):

  • Contractual Necessity – at the time we collect it

  • Purchase & transaction data

  • Contact details

  • Profile details

  • Delivery/collection details

  • We will not be able to provide you with your products or services if you do not provide us with this data

  • Legitimate Interests - following fulfilment of your order

  • Manage and improve our day-to-day operations

  • Manage and improve our Websites and Mobile App


Why do we process your personal data in this way?

We use cookies and similar technologies on our Websites and Mobile App to improve your customer experience.


Some cookies are necessary so you should not disable these if you want to be able to use all the features of our Websites and Mobile App. You can disable other cookies but this may affect your customer experience. For more information about cookies and how you can disable them, see the cookies and similar technologies section.


  • Help to develop and improve our product range, services, store, information technology systems, know-how and the way we communicate with you


We rely on the use of personal data to carry out market research and internal research and development, and to improve our information technology systems (including security) and our product range, services and store. This allows us to serve you better as a customer.


  • Detect and prevent fraud or other crime


It is important for us to monitor how our Services are used to detect and prevent fraud, other crimes and the misuse of services. This helps us to make sure that you can safely use our Services.


Why we are using this data (Legal Basis):

  • Contractual Necessity – at the time we collect it

  • Purchase & transaction data

  • Contact detail

  • Profile details

  • Delivery/collection details

  • We will not be able to provide you with your products or services if you do not provide us with this data

  • Legitimate Interests - following fulfilment of your order for the other personal data in that section


Personalise your vXc Creative experience

  • Use your online browsing behaviour as well as your online purchases to help us better understand you as a customer and provide you with personalised offers and services

  • Looking at your browsing behaviour and purchases allows us to personalise our offers and services for you. This helps us meet your needs as a customer

  • Provide you with relevant marketing communications (including by email, post or online advertising), relating to our products and store

  • We want to ensure that we provide you with marketing communications that are relevant to your interests. You can change your marketing choices, both when you register with us, and at any time after that


Contact and interact with you

  • Contact you about our Services, for example by phone, email or post or by responding to social media posts that you have directed at us

  • We want to serve you better as a customer so we use personal data to provide clarification or assistance in response to your communications

  • Manage promotions and competitions you take part in

  • We need to process your personal data so that we can manage the promotions and competitions you choose to enter

  • Legitimate Interests



Our Legitimate Interests in using your personal data


This section explains how and why we use your personal data.


Where we have mentioned above our use of your personal data is based on our "legitimate interests", these are:

  • to service our customers' needs, including delivering our products

  • to promote and market our products;

  • to service your account, manage complaints and resolve any disputes

  • to understand our customers including their patterns, behaviours as well as their likes and dislikes

  • to protect and support our business, colleagues and customers

  • to prevent and detect anti-social behaviour, fraud and other crime



Sharing personal data with other organisations


This section explains how and why we share personal data with other organisations.


We may share personal data with other organisations in the following circumstances:

  • if the law or a public authority says we must share the personal data or for the administration of justice

  • if we need to share personal data in order to establish, exercise or defend our legal rights (this includes providing personal data to others for the purposes of preventing fraud)

  • Where we restructure, sell or transfer our business (or a part of it). For example, in connection with a takeover or merger



How we protect your personal data


We know how important it is to protect and manage your personal data. This section sets out some of the measures we have in place.

  • We apply physical, electronic and procedural safeguards in connection with the collection, storage and disclosure of personal data

  • We use computer safeguards such as firewalls and data encryption to keep this data safe

  • We only authorise access to employees and trusted partners who need it to carry out their responsibilities

  • We will ask for proof of identity before we share your personal data with you

  • We will reveal only the last four digits of your payment card number when confirming an order

Whilst we take appropriate technical and organisational measures to safeguard your personal data, it is important that you keep your login details and devices protected from unauthorised access.



How long we use personal data for?


We will not keep your personal data longer than we need to, and will only use your personal data for the purposes set out in this Policy. We will always keep your personal data in accordance with applicable legal and regulatory requirements.


In most circumstances this means we will not keep your personal data for more than 7 years after the end of your relationship with us. However, for certain data sets we have the following retention periods:


Customer complaints and feedback will be deleted 4 years after the date of last communication.

Where your personal data is needed because we are in serious dispute with you (such as litigation), your personal data will be deleted 7 years after closure of the matter.





We use cookies and similar technologies, such as tags and pixels ("cookies"), to personalise and improve your customer experience as you use our Websites and Mobile App. This section provides more information about cookies, including how we use them and how you can exercise your choices about our use of cookies.


How we use cookies

Cookies are small text files containing a unique identifier, which are stored on your computer or mobile device so that your device can be recognised when you are using a particular website or mobile app. They can be used only for the duration of your visit or they can be used to measure how you interact with services and content over time. Cookies help to provide important features and functionality on our Websites and Mobile App, and to improve your customer experience. Cookies can also be used help us to detect fraudulent activity or to prevent security breaches and so we may record information about your device within the cookie.


When you consent to cookies on our Website and Mobile App, these may be used to do the following:

Improve the way our Websites and Mobile App work

  • Cookies allow us to improve the way our Websites and Mobile App work so that we can personalise your experience and allow you to use many of their useful features

  • For example, we use cookies so we can remember your preferences and the contents of your shopping basket when you return to our Websites and Mobile App

  • Cookies can help us to understand how our Websites and Mobile App are being used, for example, by telling us if you get an error messages as you browse

  • These cookies collect data that is mostly aggregated and anonymous



Your choices when it comes to cookies


Web browser cookies

You can use your browser settings to accept or reject new cookies and to delete existing cookies. You can also set your browser to notify you each time new cookies are placed on your computer or other device.


You can find more detailed information about how you can manage cookies through your browser's help function.


If you choose to disable some or all cookies, you may not be able to make full use of our Websites. For example, you may not be able to add items to your shopping basket, proceed to checkout, or use any of our products and services that require you to sign in.


Mobile App

Cookies work differently on our Mobile App as they are coded into the App itself and will use a unique identifier created by your mobile device for use for advertising activities. You can turn off or reset this advertising identifier through your mobile device's privacy settings.


Managing your cookie preferences

We use cookies to improve your experience on our website. However, your consent is needed for certain cookies before they can be used. You can also choose which cookies you allow us to use, apart from essential cookies, which can't be turned off.



Subject access rights


You have the right to see the personal data we hold about you. This is called a Subject Access Request.

If you would like a copy of the personal data we hold about you, please email us  






If you have any questions about how we collect, store and use personal data please contact us.





vXc Creative

3 Woodgate Cottages           



TQ12 6HU

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